quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

GUARDIAN.CON.UK - Football quiz: Corinthians -

Após a estrondosa proposta de cerca de 90 milhões de reais, quantia inédita a ser oferecida de um time sul-americano, por Carlitos Tevez, astro argentino da equpe do Manchester City, a versão online do jornal inglês The Guardian lançou ontem, dia 13 de julho, um quiz com perguntas sobre o Timão.

Today's questions have £35m to spend on Carlos Tevez

Carlos Tevez
Will Carlos Tevez be returning to his old club? Photograph: Tom Jenkins for the Guardian
  1. 1. In what city in Brazil are Corinthians located?
  2. 2. And in what year were they formed?
  3. 3. What two colours make up their home jersey?
  4. 4. What objects appear on their crest?
  5. 5. Which one of these Brazilian legends has not played for the club?
  6. 6. How many times has the club won the Copa Libertadores?
  7. 7. Why was 2000 such a special year for Corinthians?
  8. 8. How many league goals did Carlos Tevez score in his one season at the club?
  9. 9. Neo Química are their current shirt sponsors - what does this company do?
  10. 10. From which club did Corinthians sign Adriano?

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25 de janeiro de 2012


A Gazeta do Timão

